ThermOweld Mold Vertical Steel

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ThermoWeld Vertical Mold
The most cost-effective method of attaching a wire lead to a steel pipe or structure is by using an exothermic weld. ThermOweld offers a wide selection mold options for attaching different wire sizes to a vertical steel structure with an exothermic weld. The molds are designed for #6 AWG to #2/0 cables, but with the use of a copper sleeve you can attach a lead as small as #14AWG. The exothermic weld has the same melting point of copper, which gives you a direct, non-mechanical connections to the structure. By having this molecular connection, the weld will not loosen or corrode over time. 
Designed specifically for connecting copper cable to vertical steel structures
Crucible is made from solid graphite
Large selection of molds for conductor sizes from #6 AWG to #2/0 AWG
Rugged design built for 50+ welds
The exothermic molds are designed to be used on a variety of pipe sizes and with a variety of conductor sizes. After selecting the correct mold, ensure you have the proper tools for surface prep and ignition of the charge. Ignition can be completed with the standard flint ignitor but can also be executed using the EZ lite ignitor. Once the weld is completed, inspect the connection to ensure it is consistently covering the conductor and cover using an approved coating repair method.
When ordering the ThermOweld molds, indicate the conductor size and pipe size you are working on. Each mold may require different cartridge sizes for the application. Indicate if you require welding cartridges and applicable copper sleeves for conductors from #8 to #14 AWG. If this is your first purchase of a ThermOweld set, Corrpro recommends purchasing an exothermic welding kit for pipe prep and easier application of the weld. Also keep in mind if you require replacement coating materials for the area that was exposed.

Corrpro Technical Support


Corrpro U.S. Materials

11616 W 59th Street
Sand Springs, OK 74063

Ph: 1.866.CORRPRO
Fax: 713.460.6060

Corrpro Canada Materials & Corrpower Manufacturing

10848 – 214 Street N.W.
Edmonton, Alberta  T5S 2A7
Phone: 780.447.4565